Thursday, April 24, 2014

Everybody on the Bus!

Yesterday we had the pleasure of being entertained on the big purple bus; La Zoom!  Please bring your drinks and prepare to be entertained with hilarity for 1.5 hours!  What a hoot!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Bikes and Beer!

Beer and bikes or bikes and beer! The two words go together like peanut butter and jelly for me!  Now that I am brewing my own beer I can have just as intimate relationship with the beer as I do my bikes; since I build my own bikes.  The cap on my bike, nice accessory eh, is from stone brewing. .. One of the top brewers from the west coast.  Due to my hiatus from riding, April's Pisgah ride was not the easiest, but definitely the warmest I have had in a long long time!  Woohooo! Cold is behind us!

River Time!

I really appreciate and look forward to time spent with family.  One of my favorite days from our recent Florida trip was sitting on the porch at my dad's friend's house on the weekie wachi river.  While there we ate pizza, drank beer, and saw manatee!   This summer both my mom and dad are coming to town to visit (at separate times of course).  I am looking forward to showing them around and sharing my favorite things and places with them.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Gardens are pretty.

Sunday morning and we ventured out to the Deerpark restaurant at Biltmore aka work for brunch.  we met some friends and a merry time was had by all indeed.  After rolling our over stuffed bodies into the car we took Olmsted's picturesque approach road past the castle to the gardens.  Being peak time for forsythia we headed to the tranquil spring garden.  After enjoying the beauty and solitude we wandered around some more and headed to the Gardners cottage.   We purchased a couple plants for the yard and decided to head home.  It was a beautiful and fun time!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Hello Spring!

Arrived at home from work and our neighbor Jimmy was tilling his garden and finished as I was ready to take the dog out after unloading groceries.   After a brief chat I changed my shoes and began to till our own garden.  When Megan got home we planted some Potatoes that were getting flaccid and had growing eyes.  So the garden is officially started this year.  What a way to punctuate that spring is here!  Soon we will be planting seeds harvesting vegetables and canning pickles again!