Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Uncle Teddy is Coming!

Teddy is Megan's mom's dog.  A cute 7 month old golden retriever puppy.  He is such a sweet and loving boy.  Since Megan's mom is called grandma to Abby, I find it humorous to call him uncle Ted.  Last fall, 2012, mom's old dog Wyatt was sick and miserable, so we helped him be comfortable again.  In the spring mom was ready and fostered a couple of 6 month old puppy's who needed homes.  Cricket did not work out and Auggie was a nightmare!  We all decided that another golden puppy would be perfect!  At the right time a sign appeared on the side of the road... literally.  
A breeder was selling golden puppies. 

 We went to his house the day after my friend Scott died and looked at his puppies.  We fell in love with Teddy and had to adopt him for mom.  We learned all about Teddy's family history and respected his method and the way he treated his dogs.  Oh Teddy was such a cute puppy and a life saver for me.  He helped me get through the worst part of my friends death;  the first couple of days.

It took a few months for Abby to accept Teddy and now they are best friends and will play and play and play.  I have begun to train Teddy to be a good hiking and running companion.  He responds very well to me and comes when called and other necessary behaviors are being shaped.  Each time he goes I miss him and look forward to the next time we will see him again.  Today is that day!  When I get home from work mom and Teddy will be there.   Can't wait to see how much he has changed and eat the delicious beef stroganof that Betsy is preparing!  He started out with a small face and then his nose grew and grew.  Megan likes to ask him why he is long in the face.  But he has little beady eyes and a big soft nose and the sweetest disposition.   He is becoming a great dog!

The wonderful Mister Ted and his mom; Betsy.

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